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Curtin University


Term of office: Commencing upon election for four (4) years


Following the call for nominations for the election of a representative from Curtin University to the UniSuper Consultative Committee, two (2) valid nominations had been received when nominations closed on Wednesday, 2 August 2023. 

An election will therefore be conducted to determine which candidate will be elected as the Non-Academic Staff Representative to the UniSuper Consultative Committee for a term of office of four (4) years commencing upon completion of the election.  

The candidates are listed below in alphabetical order:

  • Thomas Griebel
  •  Vasyl (Bill) Swerlowycz

    Voting will begin at 11.00 am on Friday, 4 August 2023 and close at 4.00 pm on Friday, 18 August 2023

    Voting Instructions

    The election will be conducted using Curtin University’s electronic voting system ‘Simply Voting’. You will receive a generated email from Simply Voting which contains your Elector ID and a randomly generated password prior to the commencement of the election.

    Please note, the generated email from Simply Voting may be sent to your junk or clutter mail folder. Please ensure that you check your junk mail if you cannot find the email. The electronic link to the Simply Voting website is  Click on this link to gain access to the site.

    Once you have entered your Elector ID and your randomly generated password you may vote in the election.  The list of candidates will appear in a random order.  If the candidate has provided a statement supporting their case for election or a photograph you may click on their name to view the statement and/or photograph.

    Non-academic representatives who are a member entitled to benefits under the Defined Benefit Division or is a Division C14 member; a member of the non-academic staff of the university; who are members of the Fund are eligible to vote in this election.

    • If an election is required, all non-academic staff members who are members of UniSuper, under the Defined Benefit Division, will be notified by email on Friday, 4 August 2023.
    • An electronic ballot form will be prepared and will incorporate the candidate statements and photographs (where provided).
    • An email will be sent from Simply Voting on Friday, 4 August 2023 to those eligible to vote with details on how to access the Simply Voting site.
    • Those eligible to vote will be able to use that link to vote from receipt on Friday, 4 August 2023 until the close of the voting period.The voting period will end at 4.00 pm (Western Australia Standard Time) on Friday, 18 August 2023. After this time it will no longer be possible to access the Simply Voting site to vote in this election.

    Votes will be counted as soon as practicable after the voting period ends.

    The result of the election will be declared by the Returning Officer on Tuesday, 22 August 2023