Elections - Frequently asked questions
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions are provided below.
Any other questions should be directed via email to the Returning Officer at secretariat@curtin.edu.au
When are elections held?
Elections are held as needed, dependent on terms of office and casual vacancies in membership that may arise from time to time.
Generally, four weeks are allowed to conduct an election, including a Call for Nominations, Notice of Election and Voting Period.
Some vacancies, e.g. student election to Council, are filled in accordance with the University Statute that sets out the election time frame.
How do I construct a candidate statement?
Candidates for all elections are invited to submit a brief statement to be included on the ballot.
The candidate statement is intended to provide information about the statement and their qualifications, skills and experience. The information should be succinct but adequate to help the voter exercise their choice between candidates standing for election.
Providing a statement is not obligatory. However, any statement provided:
- must be in the English language and not exceed 150 words in length;
- be confined to a description of the candidate and of the candidate's qualifications, skills and experience;
- not contain information that is false, misleading or defamatory;
- include the candidate's full name (in the form in which they have asked for it to be included on the ballot form), contact details (e.g. email address) and staff or student ID.
In preparing the statement, candidates should note that elected members do not 'represent' the constituencies from which they are drawn, but rather are expected to bring their perspective. All members are required to act at all times in the interests of the University rather than as delegates representing sectional interests.
Should a candidate photograph be provided?
Providing a photograph with your nomination is optional. However, a photograph does allow voters to identify candidates.
The photograph will be included on the ballot form together with the candidate statement.
If you choose to provide a photograph, it should be a recent, passport-sized photograph of your head or head and shoulders.
How is the order of candidates' names on the ballot paper determined?
The order in which candidates' names appear on the ballot form is determined at random in the case of an electronic election.
In the case of postal voting (or other approved form of voting), the order of candidates is determined by lot by the Returning Officer.
What is Simply Voting?
Simply Voting is a secure software system used by Curtin University to manage its elections. It allows for the processing of votes by a neutral third party in a transparent manner.
The Simply Voting system allows for the creation of elections with specific dates and times, ballot and elector management, tamper-proof electronic ballots, encrypted and tabulated results, and quality security.
Additionally, Curtin University has access to Simply Voting's support team as a virtual part of its election staff to ensure that elections are always conducted effectively and efficiently.
How do I use Simply Voting?
Simply Voting ensures ballot privacy and allows for anonymity of individual votes. Voters will login to the system using a system generated password. Voters arrive at the Simply Voting gateway by clicking on a hyperlink that is supplied to them for the purpose of voting in the election.
If login is successful, the voter sees a menu listing all ongoing elections in which they are eligible to vote. The voter clicks on the relevant election link and ballot forms are displayed. The order of candidates is randomly displayed for each voter.
To vote, the voter chooses from the list of candidates and, for optional preferential elections, can rank the candidates in order of preference. Voters will be asked to confirm their choice. The electronic ballot form will the display the vote with the chosen options. A message advising voters to review their choices is displayed and voters will be able to either confirm or change their vote.
To change the selection of candidates, a voter selects the 'Change' option. Ballot forms are displayed again and the voter will be able to continue until satisfied with their selection.
Once the voter selects the 'Confirm' option and the vote is accepted, the system will show that the voter has voted in the relevant election. Once the system has confirmed the vote, it will not be possible for the voter to vote again in the election.
Votes are encrypted and stored in a database and the system records that the voter has cast their vote. It is not possible to vote more than once in an election.
How secure is Simply Voting?
Simply Voting is a secure data encrypted system used by Curtin University to record votes in various elections across the University. Simply Voting ensures ballot privacy.
It is not possible to determine how any individual vote has been cast.
What do I do if I didn't receive a Simply Voting email?
Emails generated from the Simply Voting system can sometimes be automatically moved to your Junk or Clutter folder.
In the first instance, check these folders. If you are unable to locate the email, please contact the Secretariat.
Resubscribing to Simply Voting email
If you have previously unsubscribed to Simply Voting in a previous election conducted by Curtin University, you will not receive an email in any subsequent election.
In order to vote in a current or future election, you will need to resubscribe to receive Simply Voting emails. To resubscribe, please contact Simply Voting.
Once resubscription has been confirmed, please contact the Secretariat to receive the election voting details.